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The Lady From Shanghai (1947)

Cover of "The Lady from Shanghai"


Originally published in May of 2012

It always surprises me when I discover films I’ve missed out on; case in point, I’ve officially seen The Lady from Shanghai!  Yes, a seminal classic not just in the world of film noir but in director Orson Welles’ oeuvre!  As with all film noirs, it’s hard to explain just what works about this film.  Maybe it’s the amazing script filled with noir one-liners, or it could be Rita Hayworth who, despite having short blond hair, still looks stunning.  Or it could be the fact that a key scene was filmed in San Francisco in a place I’ve been to a lot.  Either way any fan of film noir, or just good cinema, should seek this out ASAP.

Seaman Michael O’Hara (Welles) is enchanted by the beautiful Elsa Bannister (Hayworth).  After taking a job on her husband Arthur’s (Everett Sloane) yacht, Michael falls for Elsa.  Unfortunately, he becomes enmeshed in a murder for hire plot involving Arthur and his business partner that could put Michael on trial.

This was film is a pretty big flop in Hayworth’s career, or it was at the time.  Many blamed Welles (Hayworth’s then-husband) because he told her to cut and dye her hair and considering this was her next film after finding success in Gilda…it was a risky move to say the least.  Having not seen Gilda yet the move didn’t bother me too much although I don’t think Hayworth made a good blonde but who cares when she plays such a phenomenal femme fatale!  Most fatales are beautiful and cold, the two tenets of any good woman in the genre, but Hayworth combines that with such a personable vibe.  When her and Michael meet for the first time and have their flirtatious moment they’re kindred spirits with an extensive travel history they share.  At a certain point she tells Michael one doesn’t gamble in Shanghai and by the way she says it, with a laugh almost, you can tell she’s a woman whose seen some things that she probably shouldn’t have.

Who me?

Hayworth may be the cool blonde of the film but there’s something lively about this performance.  She never feels sterile or diabolical like Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity or Jane Greer in Out of the Past.  Hayworth plays Elsa like a woman whose had her fun and is stuck in a situation she can’t get out of, namely her marriage to “the best criminal defense lawyer” Arthur Bannister.  All this and Elsa is still a sexual character like the rest of the femme fatale canon.  When she first asks Michael to work for her she seductively says “I’d like it.”  As the audience is meant to learn, she’s not simply asking for an employee, it’s a proposition!  Even then, there’s a hidden humor in her technique that you don’t see in the other females in this genre.

Playing opposite her is the iconic Orson Welles.  I might get lambasted for saying this but Lady from Shanghai is the second Welles film I’ve seen (the other being Jane Eyre).  Yes I know…I’m a fraud (that’s probably why I didn’t get that LAMMY nomination…I’m crying on the inside jk).  Either way Welles definitely continues to cast a large shadow in this film.  His Irish accent takes some getting used to, at times he can sound a bit too much like the Lucky Charms leprechaun but it seemed legit.  Michael is a character who is firmly entrenched in both sides of the law (as must film noir men are).  He has principles and doesn’t want to serve under anyone, yet he’s constantly justifying his actions through voice-over.  When he’s asked by Elsa and Arthur to work for them he says no, and becomes defensive.  Yet he’s not drawn into Elsa’s world, it’s his choice.  He may say “I did not use my head, except to think of her” and blame Elsa, but he’s considering his ability to say no in person, he’s making a choice plain and simple.  When a drunken Arthur comes over Michael says in a roundabout way that he had to take Arthur back himself, “I knew I had to.”  He’s justifying his actions not only to the audience but to himself.  In comparison to other film noir character he seems more aware that he’s lying to himself than most.

Speaking of Arthur Bannister, have you ever met a character you wanted to see meet his maker more?  Everett Sloane is a perfect jerk in this film.  His features (with no disrespect) are small and rat-like.  When he’s standing next to the tall, bulky Welles, Arthur looks just as weak as people expect.  It doesn’t help matters that Arthur is handicapped and uses crutches.  This is a double-edged sword opening up a world of complexities for the character.  On the one hand, people underestimate him because of how weak he is, and yet he also uses that to gain control of others.  He’s an ass, but he does have a point to his interest in money.  There’s a great scene where he’s telling Michael about how he’s enriched the life of the maid on the yacht.  The maid herself says she needs the money, Arthur pays well, so what’s the problem with him lording over the fact that he controls her?  You truly understand both sides of the argument, despite not wanting to identify with him.  When the murder actually happens and the trial begins there’s an element of farce and logic to how Arthur starts cross-examining himself.  It’s easy to see why he is considered the best criminal defense attorney because he plays the court like a harp showing the spectacle over substance.

The actual mystery is tightly wound and visibly bubbling throughout the movie’s runtime.  Michael is propositioned to murder Arthur’s partner, by the partner himself!  That’s only one in a series of odd double and triple twists that the audience doesn’t seem coming no matter how much you’ll say “I saw it coming.”  Even the characters are peeled back like onions.  Michael prides himself on seeing through Elsa’s supposed facade of being a poor, trapped rich wife yet is that a facade?  Is the facade that she’s trapped, or that she’s seen the world and feels confined?  The ending scene shows Hayworth’s best acting as she lies on the ground pleading for Michael to stay with her because she doesn’t want to die (I won’t say whether she does or not).  She’s pleading for him and your heart breaks because the coldest thing he can do is leave a person to die alone.

The film is just a masterpiece and the funhouse sequence at the end is delightfully surreal.  Welles wanted no music playing to heighten the terror but I believe the scene works just as well with music.  See for yourself:

The yacht the group is on through the beginning of the film was actually Errol Flynn, our 1930s Leading Man Winner!  There’s even a few scenes with an adorable dachshund that was Flynn’s dog!

Orson and Rita at the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco, it’s been completely redone now.

The best scene has to be the moment between Elsa and Michael at the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco!  I got giddy seeing them amongst those darkened fish tanks as I’ve been to the Steinhart numerous times (unfortunately it was razed and rebuilt in 2003 and no longer exists as it did in the movie).  It’s a little piece of San Francisco history right there and it’s shot so beautifully.  To think I stood where Welles and Hayworth once stood!  There’s a great site to look at the various filming locales this movie used in San Francisco.  Check it out here.

If you’re interested in watching The Lady From Shanghai for yourself a YouTube fan has posted the entire movie:

The Lady From Shanghai is a fantastic piece of film noir.  It’s easily top 5 of the genre for me.  Hayworth is simply magnificent and Welles continues to show his flair as a director and actor.  See it now!

Ronnie Rating:


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The Lady from Shanghai

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Kristen Lopez View All

Film Editor at TheWrap. Author of the book "But Have You Read the Book: 52 Literary Gems That Inspired Our Favorite Films," put out by TCM and Running Press. Book 2, focused on disability in film, comes out via Applause Books in 2025.

15 thoughts on “The Lady From Shanghai (1947) Leave a comment

  1. Wonderful review. I think if you like NIght of the Hunter then you would also like Orson Welles’ Touch of Evil, it’s one of my favorites, like, top 3. I would very much like to see you review that.


  2. I wish you had gotten the Lammy nod for Best Classic Blog! You made me want to watch more classic movies 😀 Wow, I’ve never seen Rita Hayworth with short blond hair but you’re right she’s still stunning. I actually have NEVER seen any Orson Welles movie, ahah.


    • Haha thanks. Personally I blame my For Your Consideration ad…it needed to be flashier! Hayworth as a blonde took some getting used to as she’s so iconic as a redhead but she’s one of the few actresses that captivates you no matter what she looks like. And you have no idea how many of my friends say “How have you NEVER seen Citizen Kane…” sadly Welles’ movies have just not struck my fancy.


  3. Kristen, there are always going to be actors/actresses whose films we’ve seen few of, whether that we’re not interested in them or they just haven’t crossed our radar. For me, Laurence Olivier is in that category, as is Marlon Brando. I may have seen more than 2 Orson Welles films, but I definitely don’t consider myself a pro on his filmography.

    Anyhow, I saw this film about 3 years ago, and after reading your review, I know it’s time for a re-watch. When I first saw it, I didn’t have the love for Rita that I have now. I have been watching alot of her films in the past year or so, and she has rapidly climbed up my favorite actress list. She’s now about in my top 10, so with that newfound love, I think it’s time to see this one again.

    Thanks for a great review!


    • I’m definitely working on making some New Year’s Resolutions around directors/actors I want to see more of. I definitely recommend a rewatch, not to mention I need to see more Rita (with the red hair). Look forward to seeing you review it! Thanks for reading!


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