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Veronica Inductees for June 2014


The last time two people were inducted into the Veronicas Hall of Fame was back in November.  For fear of overloading on leading lady winners, I decided to wait till I had both an actor and actress to induct.  It took a few months, but I’m happy to award two people with Veronicas!


Ginger Rogers has been a winner for over three months, and since her initial five nominating movies (Monkey Business, Stage Door, Roxie Hart, Gold Diggers of 1933, and 42nd Street), I’ve watched and reviewed an additional six more!


I’m also pleased to award Mr. Gregory Peck with a Veronica, a surprising choice for me.  Peck’s amassed a diverse body of work on the blog, ranging from romances to dramas.  His five nominating films were: Gentleman’s Agreement, Cape Fear, The Omen, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Roman Holiday.

Clicking the links will take you to any reviews I’ve posted.  As always, you can find more in-depth exploration on these winners, as well as all the other actors/actresses, in the Veronicas’ tab at the top of the screen.


Hall of Fame

Kristen Lopez View All

Film Editor at TheWrap. Author of the book "But Have You Read the Book: 52 Literary Gems That Inspired Our Favorite Films," put out by TCM and Running Press. Book 2, focused on disability in film, comes out via Applause Books in 2025.

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